Barbara Gordon is the Gotham City vigilante known as Batgirl. She is the daughter of Commissioner James Gordon and Barbara Eileen Gordon and the older sister of James Gordon, Jr.. Barbara Eileen Gordon left her family when her daughter was a young teen. A few years later, the Batman debuted. This inspired young Barbara to become Batgirl. Soon, she began working with Batman and his teen partner Robin. After about a year as Batgirl, Barbara retreated from her role. Shortly after, she was shot in the spine by the Joker.
Looking for other ways to fight, Barbara became a hacker and information broker, donned the Oracle identity and founded the Birds of Prey. After three years her father found a clinic where Barbara could be cured. Barbara underwent surgery and received a cybernetic implant on her neck's nape. She fully recovered and returned to her position as Batgirl.
Current Version:
Former Versions:
Batgirl (New 52)
Batgirl (Burnside)