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Jonathan "Jon" Samuel Kent is the one child of Superman and Lois Lane-Kent. Jon was given birth in space by the New Earth versions of Lois and Clark but when the Rebirth event came in place, they where the only survivors and was the only people in the galaxy who could remember what happened. When Jon grew older his parents, Lois and Clark, they told him he had super-human powers, such as flight, heat vision, super speed and freeze breath. Jon was hiding his powers from the humanity until the day came and he followed Clark on a successful mission. However when Clark and Jon came home that night, he was told that from now and on he was known as the superhero Superboy!

Becoming Superman on Earth as his father faces threats from outer space, Jonathan went to California to put down a fire that was caused by a metahuman with heat-radiating powers. While the military shot the meta-human, Jon decided to approach him in a more sensitive way by talking with the Meta, realizing that he didn't start the fire on purpose, Superman hugged the meta-human and told him that everything was going to be okay before turning him over to the authorities. However, when the military knocked the meta out claiming that it was to dangerous to have him conscious due to his unstable powers, Jon had to reluctantly agree as he didn't wanna go against the government. Jon then went to Damian for advice and told him that he wanted to solve bigger problems to help build a better world, Damian showed him an underground stream called "The Truth" that reports things that others are afraid to.

Current Version:

Former Versions:
Superboy (Kid)
Superboy (Teen)