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Abra Kadabra

Abra Kadabra

F) Ty6
A) Ex20
S) Ty6
E) Gd10
R) Rm30
I) Ex20
P) Ex20

Health: 42 Karma: 70
Resources: Ex Pop: -10

Known Powers:
Techno-Magic: Abra Kadabra uses advanced technology from the future that gives the effect of magic with Am ability. Abra Kadabra is capable of doing he following spells:
-Reality Alteration: Am
-Teleportation: In
-Time-Travel: Rm

M-Metal Wand: In material, the M-Metal Wand is what allows Abra Kadabra to perform his techno-magic. Should he not have it or it breaks, he is powerless

Talents: Crime, Thief, Repair/Tinkering, 64th Century Technology

Contacts: None