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F) In40
A) In40
S) Mn75
E) Mn75
R) Ex20
I) Am50
P) In40

Health: 230 Karma: 110
Resources: N/A Pop: 0

Known Powers:
Android Body: Amazo is an incredibly advanced android covered with an extremely realistic human skin. It is capable of the following:
-Power Replication: Un ability to match the appearance and abilities of any chosen being. Amazo can duplicate the powers and talents of any being with Sh-Z ability. It can store and utilize the data on up to eight beings in any combination. He has access to the following as standard:
--True Invulnerability: Am
--Shape Change: In
--Phasing: In
--Invisibility: In
--True Flight: In
--Mind Probe: Rm
--Sonic Blast: Rm
--Elongation: Rm
--Hyper-Speed: Un
--Animal Control (Marine Life): Am
--Hyper-Swimming: Rm
--Water Freedom
--Telepathy: Rm
--Telescopic Vision: Rm
--Penetration Vision: Rm


Rage: While Amazo has incredible power, but he is not particularly intelligent and can easily succumb to his rage, making dumb mistakes in battle that caused him victory multiple times

Talents: Amazo may duplicate talents as well as powers and attributes. Amazo may use up to 6 powers at once.

Contacts: Dr. T.O. Morrow, Cabal, Secret Society of Super-Villains