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Batman II of Earth 2

Batman II

Thomas Wayne

F) In40/Gd10
A) Rm30/Ty6
S) Am50/Ty6
E) Am50/Ty6
R) Gd10
I) Ex20
P) In40

Health: 170/28 Karma:
Resources: Ex Pop: 0

Known Powers:
Miraclo-Enhanced Physiology: Batman derives all his superhuman abilities from the "miracle vitamin" Miraclo. The active ingredient is a special form of phosphorus, which bonds temporarily with the ATP in muscle cells to create a "Adenosine Quad-Phosphate" which energizes the cells. It gives him the following abilities:
-Alter Ego: Stats change as shown above. Miraclo stats are on the left
-Body Armor: Mn protection vs. Physical and Energy
-Night Vision: Doesn't suffer any penalties in darkness
-Aquatic Adaptation: The energy released gives the subject the ability to breath underwater.

Bat-Suit: Batman's Costume gives him the following:
-Body Armor: Ex protection vs. Physical and Shooting, Gd protection vs. Energy
-Blending: Rm Blending abilities and +1CS on Stealth
-Taser: Delivers a Ex electrical shock to anyone who comes into contact with it. This taser is good for one use before needing recharging.
Cowl: Batman's cowl is more than just a mask. It porvide him with the following:
-Protection: Ex protection vs. Blunt attack
-Audio Processor with Voice-Command Equipment
-Countermeasures: If someone other than Batman tries to unmask them, they will be met with gas jets that unleash an Ex intensity Knock-Out Gas Cape: Batman's cape provides him with the following:
-Glider: Gd airspeed
-Resistance to Fire and Heat: Rm Batarangs: Batman has the following types of Batarangs: -Folding Batarang: Gd Thrown Blunt, Four may be folded and carried in a single belt pouch.
-Close-Quarters Impact Batarang: Ex Thrown Blunt, half standard throwing range.
-Hard Impact Edge Batarang: Ex Thrown Blunt
-Cutting Edge Batarang: Rm Thrown Edge
-Explosive Batarang: Rm Thrown Edge, then deals In damage to an entire area
Wrist Handgun: Ex Shooting, 5 areas

Miraclo Time Limit: After a 60 minute time period, the "AQP" burns itself out, and the waste toxins generated need to be eliminated in the bloodstream over about a 24 hour period.

Talents: Medicine, Crime, Guns, Marksmanship, Thrown Weapons, Detective/Espionage, Business/Finance

Contacts: None