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Control: Rm/In
Speed: Am landspeed or airspeed (can reach Mn for 1 round)
Body: Am
Protection: In

-Armor Plating: Am protection vs. everything except Psionics and Magic
-Bulletproof Glass: Rm protection vs. Physical
-Cellular/Video/Computer Uplink: Rm security uplink with Batcave and JLA headquarters, 2500 mile range
-Anti-Theft Device: If the vehicle is forcibly entered the computer will lock out all circuits until reactivation code is given.
-Smokescreen (from rear exhaust) of Ex rank and intensity
-Portable-Lab (in trunk): Allows for Ex rank chemical analysis
-Ejection Seats: Allows for Rm rank leap
-Snow Tires: Allows Rm rank traction in snow and ice
-May be self-sealed (security mode) with bands of steel-alloy and wheel-sheaths allowing Am rank protection from outside forces
-Self-Sealing/Inflating Tires: two rounds to seal and reinflate in case of a blowout
-Limited Voice-Controlled Driving: Either while in car or via remote
-GPS System: +2CS to Navigation
-Bulletproof Windows, Headlights, Taillights and Mirrors
-Multi-Band Scanner
-Audio and Video Transceivers
-VTOL: The Batmobile can land and takeoff vertically.
Weapons System:
-Concussion Missiles: The Batmobile is armed with 2 banks of 5 missiles each. Standard armament consists of concussion missiles that have a range of 5 miles and inflict In Blunt damage to a single target.
-Fire Retardant Foam: In
-High Frequency Sonics: In Sonics or Force