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Behemoth of Earth 8


Dr. David Dibble

F) In40/Pr4
A) Gd10/Ty6
S) Mn75/Ty6
E) Mn75/Ty6
R) Pr4/Rm30
I) Ex20/Gd10
P) Rm30/Ty6

Health: 200/22 Karma: 40/46
Resources: Fe Pop: 0

Known Powers:
Behemoth Transformation: When enraged, David Dibble transforms into the indestructible, virtually unstoppable, blue man-baby Behemoth. As Behemoth, he gains the following abilities:
-Invulnerability to Cold, Heat, Corrosives, Radiation, Toxins, and Disease: CL1000
-True Invulnerability: Mn
-Regeneration: Mn
-Hyper-Leaping: CL5000
-Adrenaline Surge: The listed abilities and Health scores are for Behemoth under "normal" circumstances. Behemoth's Fighting and Strength may be raised +1cs to a maximum of Sh-Z to hit and damage. This requires Behemoth to make a successful Psyche FEAT roll to increase and only if he was hurt that round. If the opponent or opponents are defeated, Behemoth's abilities and Health scores return to normal in the next round. The Behemoth's regeneration also increases +1cs to a maximum of Sh-Y each round until he is no longer taking damage (making Behemoth virtually unstoppable).
-Alter Ego: He turns into Behemoth when he gets mad. As David Dibble, he has none of the powers above. Stats changes as shown above


Talents: None; (As Dibble) Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Engineering, Medicine, Physics

Contacts: The Retaliators (Earth 8)