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Bizarro-Superman of Earth-29

Bizarro of Earth-29

F) Am50
A) Mn75
S) Sh-X150
E) Sh-Z200
R) Pr4
I) Pr4
P) Gd10

Health: 475 Karma: 18
Resources: Rm Pop: -10

Known Powers:
Invulnerability to Heat, Cold, Disease, Corrosives, Toxins and Radiation: CL1000, His body's cells protect him internally as well so even his insides wouldn't be melted by drinking a vial of acid.
True Invulnerability: Un protection vs. Physical and Energy
True Flight: Un airspeeds in atmosphere, CL3000 speed in space
Flame Breath: Am Heat within 1 area
Superhuman Senses: Bizarro has the following heightened senses as shown below:
-Arctic Vision: Un Cold, 10 areas
-Microscopic Vision: Am
-Telescopic Vision: Gd
-Spotlight Vision: Am Illumination
-Enhanced Hearing: Un
Super-Speed: Sh-X ability to perform any action (combat or non-combat). Has performed the following power stunts:
-May substitute for Agility for dodging and catching projectiles.
-May reach maximum flight speed in 1 round and has no problems making high-speed turns in flight or running, and can make sudden stops with no penalties.


Talents: None

Contacts: None