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F) Am50
A) Ex20
S) Mn75
E) Am50
R) In40
I) Rm30
P) Am50

Health: 195 Karma: 120
Resources: In Pop: -20

Known Powers:
Godly Physiology: Deimos belongs to a race of ancient and inconceivably powerful beings known as the Old Gods. Because of this heritage, Deimos possesses almost unlimited power. He has the following abilities:
-Bio-Fusion: Un ability to fuse and unfuse with his brother Phobos. The pair did this when they impersonated their father Ares to battle Wonder Woman.
--Shape-Shifting: Un ability to manipulate his physical appearance at will. He and his brother often take the shape of giant savage dogs that accompany their father Ares
-Cosmic Awareness: CL1000, is aware of the multiverse and the realms that lie beyond. This knowledge gives him an understanding of the universe and all life that transcends the capabilities of normal mortals
-Fear Projection: Un
-Immortality: As an Old God worshipped by the ancient Greeks and Romans, Deimos has lived for at least millennia
-Telepathy: Un


Talents: Deception, Disguise, Intimidation

Contacts: Deimos