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F) Am50
A) Mn75
S) Sh-X150
E) Sh-Y200
R) Rm30
I) Rm30
P) Am50

Health: 475 Karma: 110
Resources: N/A Pop: -20

Known Powers:
Alien Physiology:
-Body Armor: Un protection vs. Physical and Energy
-Invulnerability to Heat, Cold, Disease, Corrosives, Toxins and Radiation: Un
-Leaping: CL1000, 40 areas
-Claws: Am Edge
Telepathy: Mn, He has mastered the following power stunts:
-Mental Bolts: Mn
-Mental Probe: Mn
-Possession: Mn ability to leave his host body and possess another body. Unlike normal Possession, Despero must gain a Red Power FEAT to succeed. If he fails, he may not try again for 1-10 days. If the attack succeeds, the effects are permanent and the subject may not spend Karma to influence his actions. As well as possessing live bodies, Despero can possess a newly dead corpse. A possessed corpse has the same statistics it had before death, but will gradually deteriorate, losing 1 Endurance point per day (1-10 Endurance if Despero is forced to use his powers extensively). Before Endurance reaches 0, Despero must find a new host.
-Mind Control: Am ability to directly Mind Control a person he has corrupted.
-Astral Projection: CL3000 Astral Projection with a world-wide range, and is skilled in creating astral scenery to confuse those victims he meets on the astral plane. Despero receives +1CS to Psyche when fighting on the Astral Plane.
-Astral Detection: CL1000
-Psi-Screen: Sh-X


Talents: Resist Domination

Contacts: None