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Dreamslayer of Earth 8


F) Ty6
A) Gd10
S) Gd10
E) Ex20
R) Am50
I) Am50
P) Am50

Health: 46 Karma: 150
Resources: Ex Pop: -10

Known Powers:
Magic: Dreamslayer is adept in the ways of magic and is able to perform the following spells:
-Dimensional Travel: Am
-Teleportation: Am
-Flight: Mn airspeed
-Levitation: Rm
-Eldritch Blast: Am
-Magic Sense: Am
-Magic Shield: Am protection vs. all magical attacks
-Matter Manipulation: Mn
-He can perform other spells at Am ability
-Chronokinesis: Am
Telepathy: Am, Dreamslayer can perform the following power stunts:
-Mental Blast: In
-Mind Probe: In


Talents: Occult Lore and Background

Contacts: Extremists (Earth 8)