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F) Gd10
A) Ex20
S) Ex20
E) In40
R) Ex20
I) Gd10
P) Am50

Health: 90 Karma: 80
Resources: Gd Pop: -10

Known Powers:
Magic: The Enchantress is an extremely powerful sorceress; she is capable of manipulating magical energy for a number of effects at Un ability. She possesses these abilities whether she is an independent entity or whether she is acting through the body of her host, June Moone. These powers include:
-Bio-Fission: Mn ability to conjure hundreds of clones of herself
-Energy Projection: Un ability to project raw energy out of her body in various different forms, whether it be to harm or protect. She is able to perform the following power stunts:
--Eldritch Blast: Up to Un Energy, 10 areas
--Energy Construct Creation: Mn
--Force Field: Un protection vs. Physical, Energy, Magic and Radiation. She can choose what goes through her shield and what does not.[8]
-Flight: Am airspeed
-Molecular Reconstruction: Mn ability to transform anything or anyone into anything else.
-Necromancy: Mn
-Possession: Mn ability to possess a living creature, creating a host body for herself. She currently possesses the graphic designer June Moone
-Psychokinesis: Un, Enchantress is able to use her psychokinesis to perform the following:
--Atmokinesis: Un ability to control the weather of Earth at will.
--Elemental Control: Un
--Cryokinesis: Un
--Chronokinesis: Un, she can stop time itself
--Mechanokinesis: Un ability to manipulate technology to some degree. She was able to project her voice through a radio even though she wasn't on the receding end of the line
--Telekinesis: Un
-Reality Alteration: Un ability to manipulate reality to her whim
-Resurrection: Mn ability to bring deceased creatures back to life, but only if there corpse is fresh and in relatively good condition. When she resurrects a creature they return cured of whatever affliction effected them.
-Telepathy: Un, Enchantress is capable of the following power stunts:
--Empathy: Un ability to make people feel whatever emotion she wants.
--Illusion Casting: Mn ability to plant false memories or thoughts into a person's mind
-Teleportation: Un


Talents: Occult Lore and Background

Contacts: Suicide Squad