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Eduardo Flamingo

F) In40
A) Ex20
S) Ex20
E) Rm30
R) Ex20
I) Gd10
P) In40

Health: 110 Karma: 70
Resources: Ex Pop: -10

Known Powers:
Lobotomized: Flamingo was lobotomized by the mob, which turned him into an emotionless killer. It gives him the following:
-Iron Will: In

Whips: Rm Blunt, They may grapple an opponent as with In strength.
Knives: Rm material, Ex Edge or Thrown Edge

Lobotomized: Having been lobotomized by the mob, Flamingo's behavior and mindset can change rapidly. Many of his plans lack a point, making them easy to foil.

Talents: Crime, Motorcycles, Edged Weapons, Thrown Weapons, Marksmanship, Weapon Specialist: (Whip)

Contacts: None