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Minhkhoa Khan

F) Am50
A) In40
S) Ex20
E) Ex20
R) In40
I) In40
P) Am50

Health: 130 Karma: 130
Resources: Ex Pop: 0

Known Powers:
Training: Although he has no superhuman powers, Ghost-Maker is one of the world's smartest men and greatest fighters. His physical prowess and technical ingenuity make him an incredibly dangerous opponent. He is able to perform the following:
-Stealth: Am
-Iron Will: Gd control over this body and mind. Iron Will may be used for Resistance to Physical forms of attack. Batman's Iron Will may absorb up to Gd damage at one time. This Damage is held until released, at which time Ghost-Maker suffers half the amount of damage he had stored. Only 1 attacks damage may be stored, the damage must be released before Iron Will may store more damage.
-Martial Arts Supremacy: Ghost-Maker's martial arts prowess allows him to do Gd damage to non-living targets.

Ghost-Maker Suit: The Ghost-Maker Suit is ergonomically articulated combat armor that is electronically cooled, made of Nomex fire-resistant material and lined with triple-weave Kevlar. It gives him the following:
-Body Armor: Ex protection vs. Physical and Shooting, Gd protection vs. Energy
-GhostNet: GhostNet is a private network Ghost-Maker installed on his suit, giving him several hacking skills with Un ability
Helmet: Ghost-Maker's mask is more than just a mask. It provide him with the following:
-Protection: Ex protection vs. Blunt attack
-Starlite Nightvision: Rm Ultra-vision
-Headbutt: benefit of +1cs blunt for Headbutts
Cape: Ghost-Maker's cape provides him with the following:
-Glider: Gd airspeed
-Resistance to Fire and Heat: Rm
Katana Swords: (x2) In material, In Edge

Talents: Acrobatics, Tumbling, Computers, Interrogation, Intimidation, Detective/Espionage, All Martial Arts, Stealth, Strategist, Tracking, Swordsmanship, Medicine, First Aid, Meditation, Ninja, Thief, Tracking, Edged Weapons, Melee Weapons

Psychopathy: Ghost-Maker was diagnosed with psychopathy at the age of eight, which prevents him from feeling empathy or fear. He lacks the ability to have sympathy or concern for any human, having detached himself from human emotions, because he thinks it makes him weak.

Contacts: Batman/Bruce Wayne, Batman Incorporated, Clownhunter