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Green Arrow

Green Arrow

Oliver Queen

F) Rm30
A) Ex20
S) Gd10
E) Ex20
R) Gd10
I) Gd10
P) Gd10

Health: 80 Karma: 30
Resources: Ex Pop: 15

Known Powers:

Body Armor: Gd protection vs. Physical and Energy
Mask: Green Arrow's mask gives him the following abilities:
-Infrared Vision: Rm
-Targeting: +1cs when firing his bow
Collapsible Bow: Green Arrow is able to fire 3 arrows/round at 7 areas range. When it's not in use, it folds up into the handle.
Arrows: Green Arrow has access to the following types of arrows:
-Regular: Rm Edge
-Drill: Cuts through Rm material
-Bola: Rm entangling attack
-Boomerang: (may be added to other arrows)
-Grappler: 2 areas long, In material
-Electrical: Am damage, 5 areas
-Explosive: Am damage
-Flash: Gd light, Am damage
-Magnetic: In adherence, may carry cable or other arrowheads.
-Boxing Glove: this arrow attacks on the Shooting column and inflicts 0 points of damage, but Kill results are treated as Stun results
-Glue: Rm adherence to rough surfaces
-Thunderclap: Ex Sonic, the victim must make an Endurance FEAT or be stunned for 1-10 rounds.
-Tear Gas: In, 1 area
-Acetylene Torch: Rm Heat
-Cryonic: Ex Freezing
-Acid: Ex Corrosive
-Handcuff: Gd Entanglement
-Extinguisher: Ex Fire Retardant
-Remote Access: When this arrow pierces a piece of electronic equipment, it is able to send a signal to Naomi, who is able to take over the system (ex. Navigation of a yacht.)
-Anti-Riot: A fast-expanding, quick-drying aerated polymer, it can be used to soften falls like the airbag arrow, acting as Rm Body Armor
-Net: In ensnarement
-Smoke Bomb: This arrow fills 1 area with Ex intensity smoke. All FEATs in the smoke-filled area suffer a -2cs penalty
-Jammer: Causes a variable rank EMP that affects all electronics in the target area. Consumer Electronics must make a Red FEAT roll or be shut down, custom electronics (battle suits, weapons, etc.) must make a Yellow FEAT using either their Endurance rank or Material Strength
-Mapping: Creates a 3-D model of a building. It takes it ten minutes to scan the areas. Arrow’s support team are able to guide him through the areas
-Flare: Rm intensity Light in 2-area radius for 10 turns, Rm Heat to target, target must also make an Endurance FEAT or be blinded for 1–10 turns
-Umbrella: When Green Arrow fires the Umbrella Arrow up in the air, it releases 8 individual Flame Arrows within a 5-area radius. As this arrow streaks through the air, it bursts into flame, emitting Gd Intensity Heat for 5 turns. It is often used to ignite combustible materials
-Tornado: In Force
Coil Disc: Rm material, when this disc strikes a target, it binds them with metal coil with In entrapment

Talents: Marksmanship, Survival, Business/Finance, Tracking, Bows, Thrown Weapons, Weapon Specialist: (Bow), Martial Arts A, B

Contacts: Q-Core, Justice League, John Diggle, Naomi Singh, Henry Fyff, Emiko Queen, Shado

Green Arrow's First Uniform