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Green Arrow

Green Arrow

Connor Hawke

F) Am50
A) Ex20
S) Gd10
E) Ex20
R) Gd10
I) Ex20
P) Rm30

Health: 100 Karma: 60
Resources: Ty Pop: 0

Known Powers:
Photographic Reflexes: Connor can copy all moves and Fighting or Agility based talents from people he has observed for more than 2 rounds. He must make a Mn power FEAT to do so. In combat, he can automatically block one attack by a studied character on a power FEAT, he can block 2 attack if he succeeds an In powers FEAT. In addition, studied characters are at -2cs against him. If a character drastically changes his fighting style into an erratic, chaotic style (fight at -3cs with no talent bonus) then Connor cannot use this power and is at -2cs.
Combat Sense: A successful Intuition FEAT allows him to change actions after the opponent has declared his.

Shurikens: Rm Thrown Edge
Bow: Connor used to use a bow, which could fires 3 arrows/round, 7 area
Arrows: Rm Edge
Legion Flight Ring: Ty material, these rings are worn by Legionnaires which allow them to fly and communicate with each other. The history of their invention has changed with differing version of the Legion. It now has the following abilities:
-Flight: Ex airspeed
-Super Ventriloquism: CL5000, 500 light year range, broadcasts an SOS signal
-Force Field: Am protection vs. Physical and Energy
-Self-Sustenance: Allows Green Arrow to breathe as well as survive in the vacuum of space

Talents: Weapon Specialist: (Bow), Marksman, Survival, All Martial Arts

Contacts: Legion of Super-Heroes, Team Arrow, Robin/Damian Wayne; (Formerly) League of Shadows