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Guy Gardner

Guy Gardner

F) Am50/Rm30
A) Am50/Rm30
S) Am50/Ex20
E) Mn75/In40
R) Ty6
I) Ex20
P) Mn75

Health: 225/120 Karma: 101
Resources: Gd Pop: 20

Known Powers:

Darkstar Exo-Mantle: The Darkstar Exo-Mantle provides Tomar-Tu with the following abilities:
-Alter Ego: Stats change as shown above
-Kinetic Energy Absorption: Un ability to absorb energy from attacks
-Twin Masers: Un Energy, 10 areas
-True Flight: In airspeed in Earth's atmosphere, CL3000 in space
-Life Support: The Exo-Mantle provides CL1000 life support when required.
-Energy Sheath: This life sustaining aura protects a Darkstar from harm. The Exo-Mantle generates a field of life sustaining atmosphere and protection from harmful radiation, even if a Darkstar is unconscious. It also offers Psyche rank defense vs. attacks.

Talents: Weapons Specialist: (Oan Power Ring), Teaching, Martial Arts A, B, Resist Domination, Guns

Contacts: Green Lantern/Hal Jordan, Green Lantern/Kyle Rayner, Green Lantern/John Stewart