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Diego Irigoyen

F) Ex20/Ty6
A) Ex20/Gd10
S) Am50/Gd10
E) Am50/Gd10
R) Ex20
I) Rm30
P) Rm30

Health: 140/36 Karma: 80
Resources: Gd Pop: 10

Known Powers:

Iman Suit Mark 12: Uses a suit of power armor built by himself, with unspecified capabilities. It grants him the following:
-ALter Ego: Stats change as shown above
-Magnetism: Am
-Data Storage: Mn
-Energy Blasters: Am Energy, 10 areas
-Flight: Am airspeed
-Growth: (Permanent) Gd
-Microscopic Vision: Rm
-Radio Communications: Am
-Recall: In
-Snare: In ensnarement
-Micro-Missiles: Am damage to an entire area

Talents: Pilot, Detective/Espionage, Repair/Tinkering, Computers, Astrophysics, Bi-Lingual: (Spanish, English)

Contacts: Justicia