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Lex Luthor

Lex Luthor

F) In40/Ex20
A) Rm30/Gd10
S) Mn75/Ex20
E) Mn75/Rm30
R) In40
I) Rm30
P) Ex20

Health: 220/80 Karma: 90
Resources: Am Pop: 30

Known Powers:

Warsuit: Lex Luthor has donned a warsuit to take on forces that he normally cannot handle. It is designed to look like Superman in order to take over his role. The Warsuit has the following abilities:
-Body Armor: Am protection vs. Physical and Energy, Un resistance to Radiation, Rm resistance to Heat, Cold and Corrosive, Un resistance to Electrical attacks.
-Alter Ego: Stats change as shown above
-Force Field: Mn protection.
-Flight: Am airspeed
Weapons System: While much is not known about the Warsuit's weaponry, it is known to have the following abilities:
-Energy Blast: up to Un Energy, 10 areas
-Knife: In material, Rm Edge
-Mini-Missile Launcher: Rm Edge to 1 area, can fire up to 7 areas away
-Electrical Discharge: Am Electrical on contact
-Solar Gun: Am Energy, 10 areas
-Electrical Shock: Mn Electricity on contact
Mother Box: Am material, Lex's armor contains a Mother Box, which is a free-thinking, living computers employed by the New Gods of New Genesis. Because Mother Box has the Leadership talent, she can automatically transfer her Karma to her user. In addition, through the user's affection for Mother Box, the user can transfer Karma back to her. To do so, the user must make a Psyche FEAT. roll vs. Ex intensity. Only one such attempt is allowed per day. Has the following power stunts:
-Reason: In
-Psyche: Rm
-Karma: 75
-Danger Sense: Am
-Life Detection: Ex
-Duplication: Am
-Boom Tube: Any character that possesses both a Mother Box and a sample of X-Element can automatically create a Boom Tube capable of transporting him between dimensions and galaxies. Boom Tubes have the Warp power at CL5000, Dimension Travel at Rm, and remain open approximately eight seconds (1-2 rounds).
-Worthiness: Only characters who are spiritually worthy can use Mother Boxes.
Cape: CL1000 material, Lex wears this universe's Superman's cape, which is indestructible

Talents: Leadership, Business/Finance, Heir to Fortune, Guns, Crime, Computers, Engineering, Crime, Politics, Weapons Engineering, Cybernetics, Repair/Tinkering, Pilot

Contacts: LexCorp, Justice League, Batman/Bruce Wayne