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F) Am50
A) In40
S) Ex20
E) In40
R) Rm30
I) In40
P) Am50

Health: 150 Karma: 120
Resources: Pop: 0

Known Powers:
Immortality: Claiming to be centuries old, Magus is capable of surviving an arrow straight through his head without much problem.
Metamorphosis: Rm ability to shape-shift, including disguising himself as others in order to fake their deaths, at least to the degree of his head. Whether or not he can change his clothes this way is unknown.
Toxikinesis: Magus is capable of emitting a red gas from his body, whether from his hands or his mouth, that appears to either kill combatants, disorient them, or knock them unconscious with In ability and intensity


Missing Eye: Magus does not have eyes anymore, although it does not seems to bother or impede him very much. Magus is blind and is unaffected by light-based attacks, illusions, and hypnosis.

Talents: Leadership, All Martial Arts, Tracking, Stealth, Ninja, Thief

Contacts: The Outsiders