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Mark Shaw

F) In40
A) In40
S) Ex20
E) Rm30
R) Ex20
I) Rm30
P) Rm30

Health: 130 Karma: 80
Resources: Gd Pop: 0

Known Powers:
Cybernetic Eye: Shaw's Cybernetic Eye gives him the following abilities:
-Danger Sense: Ex
-Telescopic Vision: Ex
-Thermal Vision: In

Leviathan Armor: As the leader of Leviathan, Shaw has armed himself with a suit that provides him with the following:
-Body Armor: In protection vs. Physical and Energy
-Energy Blast: In Energy, 5 areas
-Flight: Ex airspeed
-Energy Negation: Am
-Teleportation: Am

Talents: Acrobatics, Tumbling, Artist: (Actor), Detective/Espionage, Repair/Tinkering, Martial Arts A, C, E, Military, Thief, Leadership, Disguise

Contacts: Leviathan