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Matter-Eater Lad

Matter-Eater Lad

Tenzil Kem

F) Ex20
A) Ty6
S) Gd10
E) Ex20
R) Gd10
I) Ex20
P) Rm30

Health: 56 Karma: 60
Resources: Rm Pop: 10

Known Powers:
Superhuman Digestion: Mn ability to eat any substance in any amount at super-speed. He can consume an unlimited amount of matter in any form (solid, liquid or gas). He has the following power stunts:
-Content Analysis: Mn ability to analyze the compositions of various foodstuffs and even detect substances which are poisonous to non-Bismollians. As well he can determine the nature of various chemicals in substances.
-Digestive Enzymes: Mn ability to eat hard objects, like steel, without having super-strength or invulnerability
-Metabolism Induced Super-Speed: Mn ability to metabolize food almost instantaneously, and if needed, they can consume tons of food in minutes.

Legion Flight Ring: Ty material, these rings are worn by Legionnaires which allow them to fly and communicate with each other. The history of their invention has changed with differing version of the Legion. It now has the following abilities:
-Flight: Ex airspeed
-Super Ventriloquism: CL5000, 500 light year range, broadcasts an SOS signal
-Force Field: Am protection vs. Physical and Energy
-Self-Sustenance: Allows Matter-Eater Lad to breathe as well as survive in the vacuum of space

Talents: Martial Arts B

Contacts: Legion of Super-Heroes