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Naut Le Koi

Naut Le Koi

F) Rm30
A) Rm30
S) Ex20
E) In40
R) Ex20
I) Ex20
P) Am50

Health: 120 Karma: 90
Resources: Ex Pop: 10

Known Powers:
Aquatic Physiology: originates from Aeros, a water world inhabited by various forms of fish life. His very body gives him the following abilities:
-Scales: Ex resistance to Physical
-Resistance to Cold: Un
-Hyper Swimming: Rm
-Water Freedom: Naut Le Koi doesn't suffer penalties in underwater battles and receives +1cs Fighting, Endurance and Strength.
-Water Breathing: Naut Le Koi is amphibious and can only breathe water.
-Ultra Vision: Rm
-Fin: In Edge
-Slimy Substance: Naut Le Koi's scales exude a substance that deals an Am potent Poison to a victim that touches his scales.

Oan Power Ring
Helmet: Rm material, Provides Naut Le Koi with a fresh supply of water to circulate through his body. If this helmet is damaged or missing, Naut Le Koi begins to suffocate.

Water Breathing: Naut Le Koi is able to breathe only through his gills, Naut Ke Loi must at all times wear a helmet filled with water. If Naut Le Koi is ever without water for more than 5 minutes, he will perish.

Talents: Weapon Specialist: (Green Lantern Power Ring)

Contacts: Green Lantern Corps