F) Am50
A) Rm30
S) Mn75
E) Un100
R) Ex20
I) Ex20
P) Mn75
Health: 255 Karma: 115
Resources: N/A Pop: -20
Known Powers:
Emotional Manifestation: Oblivion was unknowingly formed by Kyle Rayner after he broke through the Source Wall and edited the Source itself. Oblivion consists of Rayner's anxiety, greed, rage and fear manifested into a physical form. His very form gives Oblivion the following abilities:
-Shape-Shifting: Un ability to change his physical form at will.
-Telepathy: Oblivion can reach into the minds of others and change/contort them with Mn ability
-Energy Projection: Un Energy, 7 areas
-Force Field: Un rank
-The creation of objects of solid energy, GM decides which creations are within the power of the ring and assigns a power intensity FEAT: Simple weapons, entrapments devices, common geometric shapes, gigantic hands and simple containers are all powers stunts and are usually Am rank. A Red Psyche FEAT is required for extreme measures (i.e. Containing an exploding Sun within an Energy Barrier).
-Illusion Casting: Un ability to create illusions of buildings, objects, and people.
Talents: Resist Domination
Contacts: None