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F) Ex20
A) In40
S) Mn75
E) Mn75
R) Pr4
I) Gd10
P) Am50

Health: 210 Karma: 64
Resources: Ty Pop: 5

Known Powers:
Phaelosian Physiology: Phaelosians are an evolutionary offshoot of Kryptonians. As such they possess superpowers under the light of a "yellow" sun such as Earth's. Otho-Ra has the following abilities:
-Invulnerability to Heat, Cold, Disease, Corrosives, Toxins and Radiation: CL1000
-True Invulnerability: Un protection vs. Physical and Energy
-True Flight: Un airspeeds in atmosphere, CL3000 speed in space.
-Solar Radiation Absorption: CL3000, that provides Superman with mass amounts of energy that support all his other powers and abilities. He directs this stored energy to enhance his abilities.
-Genesis Energy Absorption: CL3000, Osul-Ra can absorb and process energy from a mysterious material known as "Genesis" as a substitute for yellow sunlight to fuel his powers. This alternative energy source can also empower Kryptonians.
-Optic Blast: Un Energy, 10 areas
-Superhuman Senses: Osul-Ra has the following heightened senses as shown below:
--Enhanced Hearing: Un
--Microscopic Vision: Am
--Telescopic Vision: Gd
--X-Ray Vision: Un
-Superhuman Speed: Un, Otho-Ra is able to move at incredible speeds by sheer force of will. She can match most other speedsters in super-fast movements, reactions, and processes. She has the following power stunts:
--Substitute for Fighting for multiple attacks and evading. May make up to 3 combat actions per round.
--Substitute for Agility for dodging and catching projectiles.
-Super-Breath: Am Cold within 1 area
Fire of Olgrun: Osul-Ra is the host of the Fire of Olgrun, an aspect of the mightiest of the Old Gods. It grants him the following:
-Summoning: Osul-Ra can manifest an aspect of Olgrun into reality with Un ability. This echo possesses a mere fraction of the true Olgrun's power, but is still more than strong enough to overpower a New God like Desaad.


Solar Energy Dependency: Like Kryptonians and Daxamites, Phaelosians rely on solar radiation from the yellow sun as a source of their powers. Their abilities will eventually weaken without replenishing their energy reserves with normal (yellow) sun radiation. If Osul-Ra is put on a world with a different color sun, the level of his powers gradually drops -3cs every round until they are no more
Vulnerability to Kryptonite: Unlike Daxamites, Phaelosians are vulnerable to Kryptonite despite centuries of genetic drift from baseline Kryptonians

Talents: Martial Arts B, Blunt Weapons, Edged Weapons

Contacts: Otho-Ra, Superman/Clark Kent, Lois Lane, Superman Family