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F) Un100
A) Am50
S) Mn75
E) CL1000
R) Rm30
I) Rm30
P) Sh-Z150

Health: 1225 Karma: 560
Resources: Un Pop: 30

Known Powers:
Olympian Physiology: Poseidon is the Olympian god of the sea. His very body gives him the following:
-Body Resistance: Am protection vs. Physical and Energy
-Invulnerability: CL1000 resistance to Fire, Cold, Radiation, Toxins, Corrosives and Disease. Un resistance to these anywhere else.
-Immortality: Whilst within Olympus, Poseidon cannot die.
Mystic Energy Powers: Poseidon, next to Zeus,and along with Hades, is the most powerful Olympian god. Posideon has vast mystical energy Powers and can perform the following:
-Energy Blasts: Sh-Y Force or Energy in Olympus only. Sh-X anywhere else.
-Dimensional Travel: Un ability to any adjacent dimension.
-Animal Communication/Control: Sealife only with CL1000 ability
-Invisibility to Mortals: Un, does not work on other gods, even from other pantheons.
-Regeneration: CL1000, Olympus only
-Teleportation: Un
-Water Breathing: As the Olympian god of the Sea, Poseidon can breath water as well as air.
-Swimming: Ex speed while Swimming.

Trident: CL3000 material, The trident is capable of inflicting Am Edge. This powerful enchanted Trident can also perform the following:
-Water Control: CL1000
-Creation of water elementals of power rank Health and Abilities
-Using water to speed ships and water vehicles up to Un speeds.
-Create Fog and Storms: Un intensity
-Tidal Waves of power rank size and intensity.
-Create waves of water as transportation, carrying him up to Un speeds.
-Earthquakes: Un intensity by increasing water pressure.

Talents: Underwater Combat, Sharp Weapons, Weapon Specialist: (Trident), Oceanography, Olympian, Mythological Lore

Contacts: Olympian Gods