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F) Gd10
A) Ty6
S) Gd10
E) Ex20
R) Ex20
I) In40
P) Am50

Health: 46 Karma: 110
Resources: Gd Pop: -10

Known Powers:
Sage Force Conduit: Un, The Sage Force seems to enhance the intelligence of its conduits to super-genius levels as well as granting them psychic powers such as telepathy and telekinesis. As a Sage Force Conduit, Psych is capable of the following power stunts:
-Telekinesis: Un
-Telepathy: Un, With his telepathy he is able to read a person's mind to learn about their past. He is capable of the following power stunts:
--Psionic Blast: Un
--Illusion Casting: Un ability to cast illusions in another person's mind. He can do so on multiple minds at once
--Psychic Link: Psych can establish a psychic link between his mind and another. This allows him to communicate telepathically with people and also allows people to see his thoughts with Un ability
--Mind Control: Un


Talents: Deception, Resist Domination

Contacts: None