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F) In40
A) In40
S) Ex20
E) Rm30
R) Ex20
I) Ex20
P) In40

Health: 130 Karma: 80
Resources: Ex Pop: -10

Known Powers:
Pain Immunity: Having contracted Leprosy as a kid, Raptor's body was ravaged by the full effects of the disease, making his skin harden with callouses and his nerve endings go numb that, later in life, allowed him to fight without feeling any pain with In ability

Suyolak: In material, Raptor wears a gauntlet on his left arm that grants him the following:
-Claw: Rm Edge
-Darts: Gd Edge, 3 areas
-Tranquilizer Darts: Rm potency, fires up to 3 areas
-Sleeping Gas: Rm potency, 1 area
-Tear Gas: In, 1 area
-Shark Attractant: Gd
-Grappling Hook: Rm material, Rm Shooting as a weapon, 7 areas, swing up to 3 areas

Talents: Guns, Martial Arts A, B, C, E, Intimidation, Performer: (Singer), Stealth, Thief, Edged Weapons, Thrown Weapons, Weapon Specialist: (Suyolak), Pilot

Contacts: Kobra Cult, Secret Society of Super-Villains ยท Parliament of Owls