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F) Am50
A) In40
S) Un100
E) Un100
R) Ex20
I) Rm30
P) Am50

Health: 290 Karma: 100
Resources: Ty Pop: -20

Known Powers:
Worldkiller Physiology: Reign is a Worldkiller, a biological weapon created on Krypton but eventually outlawed by the Kryptonian Science Council. Her very body provides her with the following:
-True Invulnerability: Un resistance vs. Physical and Energy
-Invulnerable to Heat, Cold, Fire, Radiation, Disease and Toxins: Un
-Self-Sustenance: Doesn't need to eat, sleep or breathe. Can survive in the vacuum of space
-Flight: Un airspeed, CL1000 in atmosphere

Sword: Un material, Up to Mn Edge

Talents: All Martial Arts, Wrestling, Swordsmanship, Wrestling

Contacts: Worldkillers