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Sky Tyrant of Earth 3

Sky Tyrant of Earth 3

Ktar Deathbringer

F) Am50
A) Rm30
S) Ex20
E) Rm30
R) Gd10
I) Gd10
P) Rm30

Health: 130 Karma: 50
Resources: Gd Pop: 15

Known Powers:
Reincarnation: Un, The Nth metal knife which murdered Sky Tyrant in his original incarnation as Khufu had an unusual effect upon his soul and that of his lover Chay-Ara (Hawkgirl). The pair are locked in a seemingly endless cycle of death and rebirth throughout the centuries. While not a superhuman power per se, this propensity for reincarnation has allowed Sky Tyrant to cheat death and return to active duty in his current incarnation.

Artificial Feathered Wings: Un material, His wings, which are laced with Nth metal, allow him to control navigation and guidance during flight, though they can be "flapped" through use of shoulder motions. Rm airspeed, when in flight he counts as having Am Agility, including for Gliding FEATs. He also can accomplish the following:
-Sprint: Sky Tyrant can "sprint" to Un airspeeds, however must make a successful End. FEAT each round
-Gliding: By spreading his wings and riding thermals, Sky Tyrant can travel at Gd airspeed and is considered "resting" enabling him to recover as if he were motionless
-Wing Shield: Sky Tyrant is able to block up to 90 points of damage by using his wings as a shield. However, Sky Tyrant cannot fly if they are used as shields.
Nth Metal Belt and Boots: Sky Tyrant flies by way of an anti-gravity belt and boots constructed from Nth Metal its abilities are controlled mentally.
-Nth Metal Enhancement: The metal is psycho-reactive, responding to Sky Tyrant's thoughts and in its base form has a number of electromagnetic/gravitational properties.
--Body Resistance: In resistance to Physical and Energy
--Resistance to Heat and Cold: Am, it can generate a heat aura, sufficient to keep a person alive under Arctic conditions
--Enhanced Vision: Mn
--Regeneration: Rm
Helmet: In protection vs. Blunt attacks, gives Sky Tyrant the following power stunts:
-Thermal Vision: Mn
Mace: Am material, Am Edge or Blunt
Shield: In material, Blocks up to 75 damage. Still subject to stuns and slams. He can also use it as an Am Edge or Blunt attack

Infected: the Batman Who Laughs created infected Batarangs coated with the same strain of Joker toxin that initially infected him in his universe. Each Batarang represented a different energy strand required for the portal to the Dark Multiverse to be opened. Using these, The Batman Who Laughs turned Sky Tyrant into a Joker-like version of himself. The infection slowly corrupts him into Sky Tyrant, starting with dreams of his killings on Earth 3 and making Carter more aggressive and violent. Sky Tyrant finally takes over as Carter's body morphs into his.

Talents: History of Reincarnations, Archaeology, Martial Arts A, B, Aerial Combat, Marksmanship, Egyptian Weapons, Repair/Tinkering, Leadership, Weapons Master: (Mace, Axe)

Contacts: Secret Six