Socialist Red Guardsman
Gu Lao
F) Ex20
A) Ex20
S) Am50
E) Un100
R) Rm30
I) Ex20
P) Ty6
Health: 190 Karma: 56
Resources: Gd Pop: 30 in China
Known Powers:
Radioactive Form: The Socialist Red Guardsman’s body is highly radioactive. He always gives off Gd radiation except when wearing his special harness, which allows him to control his power. Gu has developed the following Power Stunts:
-Resistance/Absorption: Sh-X resistance to Light, Radiation and Laser. Gu is able to absorb such energies in order to replenish lost health.
-Gu can also cause Am Radiation or In Heat within one area.
Containment Suit: Gu Lao's body has been permanently transformed into solar radiation, which is encased in a special containment suit. If Lao's containment suit is ruptured, he causes Am Radiation to everyone in a 10' radius but is stunned for 1 turn. Thereafter, everyone within 10' of Lao's body takes Fe damage from microwave radiation.
-Body Armor: In protection vs. Physical and Energy.
-Self-Sustenance: Doesn't need to eat, sleep or breathe
-Flight: Rm airspeed
-Energy Beams: Mn Radiation or Am Heat, 10 areas
Talents: Aerial Combat, Bi-Lingual: (English, Chinese)
Contacts: Great Ten