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F) In40
A) Gd10
S) Mn75
E) Un100
R) Am50
I) Am50
P) Rm30

Health: 225 Karma: 130
Resources: Sh-Z Pop: -50

Known Powers:
Mind Control: Starro can create thousands of miniature drones, which attach themselves to a victim’s face, subjecting them to Un Mind Control
Telepathy: Starro has Shift Z
Telepathy with all its drones and offspring. This ability extends to any victims under the influence of Mind Control
Energy Absorption: Sh-Z, Starro can absorb vast quantities of energy which gives him the following powers:
-Energy Blasts: Mn Energy
-Flight: Mn in atmosphere, CL3000 in space
Starro’s Energy Absorption is a finite pool of up to Sh-Z points. He may store this energy indefinitely, but it will fade over time unless replenished. Use of his powers at full strength drain 10 points from his pool with every usage. Starro has pushed his pool up to as high as CL1000 manifesting as a giant starfish, 500 miles wide (Sh-Y Strength and CL1000 Endurance).
Self-Sustenance: CL1000 ability to survive in space


Talents: Resist Domination

Contacts: Onimar Synn