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Superdoom of Earth 45


F) Mn75
A) Am50
S) Un100
E) Sh-Z500
R) Am50
I) Mn75
P) Sh-Z500

Health: 725 Karma: 625
Resources: Am Pop: -100

Known Powers:
Thoughtform Physiology: Superdoom is a thought-powered being. As such, his power are derived based on the collective belief in the people of the Multiverse in what it represents. He has had the following abilities at the height of his belief:
-Invulnerability to Fire, Heat Cold, Radiation, Toxins, and Disease: Sh-Z
-True Invulnerability: Un resistance to Physical and Energy
-Self-Sustenance: Un ability to survive without the need for food air or water.
-Heat Vision: Un Energy/Heat, 10 areas

Armor: Un protection vs. Radiation (especially Kryptonite)
Transmatter Cubes: Superdoom uses Transmatter Cubes to travel between parallel universes with Un ability

Vulnerable to Kryptonite: Superdoom is vulnerable to Kryptonite, even that outside his native universe.

Contacts: Overcorp