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Clark Kent/Kal-El

F) In40
A) Gd10
S) In40
E) In40
R) Rm30
I) Rm30
P) Am50

Health: 130 Karma: 110
Resources: Gd Pop: 100

Known Powers:
Kryptonian Physiology: Exposure to a Yellow sun alters a Kryptonian to allow great physical abilities that provide Superman with the Agility, Strength, and Endurance Ranks listed under statistics and includes the following powers. Recently, his powers have been in flux gives him the following abilities:
-True Invulnerability: Ex protection vs. Physical and Energy
-Leaping: Am
Solar Absorption and Storage: CL3000, that provides Superman with mass amounts of energy that support all his other powers and abilities. He directs this stored energy to enhance his abilities.

Qwardian Power Ring

Vulnerable to Kryptonite: Kryptonite causes Superman's body's cells to deteriorate, similar to radiation poisoning in a human being. Exposure to Kryptonite causes Superman to lose all his powers at -1cs per round. He also loses 1 rank of Strength and Endurance (with its loss of Health) per round until death occurs at Sh-0 Endurance. Removal of the Kryptonite enables Superman's body to regain lost ranks at a rate of one per round.
Vulnerable to Magic: Against attacks of a Magical nature, Superman's defensive stats are reduced to Pr (ie. Endurance, Invulnerability, etc.). He cannot use his powers or abilities to affect constructs of a Magical nature (he couldn't smash down a magical wall, or break enchanted chains with his strength).
Yellow Sun Power Source: All his powers are based from solar energy of a yellow sun. If Superman is put on a world with a different color sun, the level of his powers gradually drops -3cs every round until they are no more.

Talents: Martial Arts A, C, Leadership, Astro-Navigation, Journalism, Languages: (all Human Languages and some Alien including Kryptonian), Kryptonian Lore and Technology, Computers, First-Aid, Repair/Tinkering

Contacts: Wonder Woman, Sinestro Corps