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Tartarus of Earth 8


F) Mn75
A) Rm30
S) Un100
E) Mn75
R) Mn75
I) In40
P) Un100

Health: 280 Karma: 215
Resources: Un Pop: -100

Known Powers:
Alien Physiology: Tartarus is an alien, whose very body gives him the following abilities:
-Invulnerability: Un protection vs. Physical and Energy
-Resistance to Fire, Cold, Electricity, Radiation, Toxins, Corrosives and Disease: CL1000

Armor: CL1000 material, Tartarus wore armor forged from the "Eight Rings of the Ancient Spectrum" which was capable of the following:
-Immune to Omega Beams: CL1000 ability to withstand Darkseid's Omega Beams

Talents: Leadership, All Martial Arts, Wrestling, Intimidation

Contacts: His Army