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F) In40
A) Am50
S) Am50
E) In40
R) In40
I) In40
P) In40

Health: 180 Karma: 120
Resources: N/A Pop: 5

Known Powers:
Fifth Dimensional Being: Yz is a magical being from the 5th Dimension who grants Jakeem Thunder's wishes. He is capable of the following:
-Cosmic Awareness: In
-Flight: CL1000 airspeed
-Invulnerable to Physical and Energy: Am
-Magic Detection: In
-Self-Sustenance: Doesn't need to eat, sleep or breathe, can survive in the vacuum of space
-Magic: Mn, Yz can cast any power as a magical spell
-Probability Manipulation: In

Magic Pen: Thunderbolt remains in Jakeem Thunder's magic pen until he is summoned by the magic word "Cei-U." He shared 100 Karma with Jakeem Thunder

Yz must follow Jakeem’s Instructions

Talents: None

Contacts: Jakeem Thunder, Justice Society of America