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Thunderider of Earth 8


F) Am50
A) Rm30
S) Mn75
E) Mn75
R) Ex20
I) Ex20
P) Am50

Health: 230 Karma: 90
Resources: Ex Pop: 75

Known Powers:
True Invulnerability: In protection vs. Physical and Energy
Resistance to Fire, Cold, Radiation and Toxins: Un
Slowed Aging: Un immunity to the ravaging effects of time. He will age, just very slowly. He may still be killed normally
Invulnerability to Disease: CL1000
Weather Control: Am ability to call upon the lightning, thunder and storm without his staff

Thunderider's Staff: CL3000 material. The Staff possess the following powers:
-Thunderider may inflict up to Un Blunt damage with his staff
-Flight: Un airspeed
-Weather and Air Control: Sh-Y, Thunderider has all associated power stunts and can shoot lightning bolts from his staff without summoning a storm.
-Magic Detection: Un
-Light Blast: Un intensity

Talents: Blunt Weapons, Sharp Weapons, Wrestling, Occult Lore, Mythological Lore

Contacts: The Retaliators (Earth 8)