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Zou Kang

F) Gd10/Ty6
A) In40/Ty6
S) Mn75/Gd10
E) Mn75/Gd10
R) Rm30/Ex20
I) In40/Ex20
P) Am50/Ex20

Health: 200/32 Karma: 120/60
Resources: Gd Pop: 30 in China

Known Powers:
Bodhisattva Physiology: With the utterance of a trigger phrase, Zou Kang unlocks his full human potential, becoming a Bodhisattva, and enlightened being, who can access the powers of the Buddhist siddhis. So far, Thundermind has displayed the following power stunts:
-Alter Ego: Stats change as shown above
-Telepathy: Mn
-Telekinesis: Am
-Flight: In
-Invisibility: Rm
-Super-Speed: Rm
-Bilocation: Ty ability to split himself into two identical beings


Talents: Resist Domination, Religion: (Buddhism), Bi-Lingual: (English, Chinese); (As Zou Kang) History: (Chinese)

Contacts: Great Ten