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Tracer of Earth 8


F) Am50
A) Rm30
S) Rm30
E) Am50
R) Gd10
I) Am50
P) Rm30

Health: 160 Karma: 90
Resources: Gd Pop: -10

Known Powers:
Heightened Senses: Am senses of direction, smell, hearing, and taste. Tracer can perform the following power stunts:
-Tracking: Mn ability to track by smell, much like a bloodhound. He can remember previous scents, can detect illusions by their lack of odor, and identify people by their scents.
-Situational Awareness: When concentrating on listening and smelling, his Intuition is raised to Mn (he can hear light breathing 200 feet away in a cave).
Infravision: Rm
Amazonium Skeleton: Tracer's skeleton has been laced with Amazonium, giving them CL1000 material. This provides the following benefits:
-Ex protection vs. Blunt and Force
-Ty protection vs. Edge and Energy
-Fists are capable of doing Ex damage
Forearm Blades: CL1000 material, up to Mn Edge


Talents: Edged Weapons, Weapon Specialist: (Claws), Martial Arts A, B, C, Wrestling, Acrobatics, Tumbling, Military, Detective/Espionage, Survival, Stealth

Contacts: Extremists