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Traci Thirteen

Traci Thirteen

F) Ty6
A) Ex20
S) Ty6
E) Gd10
R) Ex20
I) Rm30
P) In40

Health: 42 Karma: 90
Resources: Ty Pop: 0

Known Powers:
Urban Magic: Traci thus secretly acquired a small mystical library and developed her own style, a personal approach to the "urban magic" used by some modern mystics. She has used the following spells:
-City Acuity: In ability for subjects having to do with cities. Examples have included X-Ray Vision to see what was below a road (a subway line, in this case), having Gotham tell her where the fragments of the Rock of Eternity were or having the Ciudad Juarez metro area request her help against a threat
-Energy Blast: Rm Energy or Force
-Eyes of the Cat: Am ability to see through Leroy's eyes
-Force Field: Am
-Astral Travel: Un
-Telepathy: Rm
-Teleportation: In
-Perform other spells at Ex rank.


Talents: Streetwise, Occult Lore, First Aid

Contacts: Detective Chimp, Sisterhood of the Sleight Hand