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F) Rm30
A) Am50
S) Ty6
E) Un100
R) Rm30
I) Ex20
P) Am50

Health: 186 Karma: 100
Resources: Mn Pop: 0

Known Powers:
Fifth Dimension Imp: Vyndktvx is a 5th Dimension Imp, who's very being allows him to perform the following abilities:
-Reality Alteration: Sh-X, everything is reverted back to normal when he returns to the 5th Dimension or says his name backwards.
-Air Walking: Am
-Animate Image: Sh-Y, everything is reverted back to normal when he returns to the 5th Dimension or says his name backwards.
-Animate Objects: Sh-Y, everything is reverted back to normal when he returns to the 5th Dimension or says his name backwards.
-Dimension Travel: In, can only allow entry to Earth every 90 days.
-Invisibility: Am
-Immortality: Vyndktvx cannot be killing. When his health reaches below 0, he is knocked unconscious for 1 round.
-Molecular Conversion: Un, everything is reverted back to normal when he returns to the 5th Dimension or says his name backwards.
-Teleportation: Un


Vyndktvx cannot say his name backwards or else he be sent back to the 5th Dimension.

Talents: Unknown

Contacts: Anti-Superman Army, Glen Glenmorgan

Vyndktvs' Human Form