F) Rm30
A) Ex20
S) In40
E) Am50
R) Rm30
I) Ex20
P) Am50
Health: 140 Karma: 100
Resources: Gd Pop: -10
Known Powers:
Cybernetic Enhancement: When the ministry found and retrofitted him, Siyu was bionically enhanced with a host of neurotechnical implants which made him physically superior to the finest human specimen. Putting him on par in terms of mind and mettle against the likes of a Super-Atlantean like Aquaman. It gave him the following abilities:
-Teletechnopathy: Un ability to be a mobile control hub for military operations enabling him to control both the minds of fully organic human beings as well as operate military grade machinery with nothing but the power of his mind. It grants him the following abilities:
--Telepathy: Mn
---Illusion Casting: Ub ability to plunge people into his memory scape making them relive the moments of his days while operating a warzone.
---Mind Control: Un
--Mechanokinesis: Un
---Computer Operation: Mn
--Electronic Communications: Un ability to broadcast and receive transmitted signals be they psi-based or electronic in origin. It was the projection of N.E.M.O suicide Aqua Telepathic waves which roused him in the first place
Talents: None