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The World Forger

The World Forger

F) Un100
A) Un100
S) Sh-Z500
E) CL1000
R) Un100
I) Un100
P) Un100

Health: 1700 Karma: 300
Resources: CL1000 Pop: 0

Known Powers:
Monitor Physiology: As a Monitor the World Forger possesses nigh-infinite power, being one of the most powerful beings in his entire Multiverse who can give ideas form and create universes. His very body grants him the following abilities:
-Cosmic Awareness: CL1000, As one of the three cosmic entities responsible for the nurturing of his Multiverse, the World Forger possesses vast knowledge about the different realities and dimensions that make up existence.
-Immortality: The World Forger is even older then the Multiverse, considering it was he who created it. This puts him at the age of at least 13.772 billion years old, without showing any signs of physical regression.
-Resurrection: Each time the World Forger is miraculously killed, he just reforms in the Sixth Dimension.
-Metamorphosis: Un ability to manipulate his physical shape at will, taking on the form of an elderly Superman.
--Size Alteration: Un, As well as changing his shape, World Forge can also change his size. In his natural form, he towers above the members of the Justice League, standing at around twice their height. However he was able to shrink himself down in order to take the shape of Superman.
-Precognition: CL1000 ability to see indefinitely into the future, allowing him to be constantly aware of what the future holds.
-Telepathy: CL1000, able to easily overwhelm the psychic abilities of Martian Manhunter, shutting the Martian's telepathic powers completely. He is able to perform the following power stunts:
--Psychic Link: CL1000 ability to maintain a psychic link between multiple minds with no struggle.
-Teleportation: Un ability to teleport himself and others vast distances with no issue

Hammer: CL1000 material, up to Sh-Z damage

Talents: Unknown

Contacts: Perpetua, Anti-Monitor, Over-Monitor