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The Trench

When Atlan destroyed Atlantis, it plunged the seven kingdoms of Atlantis into the ocean. The survivors initially believed four of the kingdoms were destroyed, and the other three survived and adapted to their new conditions with 90% of the Atlanteans dying from the event. The Trench were one of the three surviving kingdoms along with the Xebelians and Atlantians.

The Trench adapted to living in a trench near the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and developed an alternate language. They have a King and Queen who differ physically in form from the worker class of Trench.

The Trench follow the wielder of the Dead King's Scepter. The Trench are drawn to the leader of Atlantis and Aquaman believes the scepter doesn't hold mystical control over the Trench, but instead the Trench believe the wielder of this scepter is their leader.

Trench King II
Trench King I
Trench Queen
Typical Members of the Trench