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The Titans

After the events of the Dark Knights and the Omega Titans, the Justice League decided that they needed a response team to fight along side them as their main line of defense. As chairman of the Justice League, Martian Manhunter asked Nightwing to lead a team that would have a dedicated space in the Hall of Justice to work out of in order to identify and contain emergent threats. While the League had a list of heroes in mind, Nightwing had an idea of a group that would be great handling any threats as well as people that he could rely on. Ms. Martian joined the team as a Justice League liaison.

Donna Troy
Green Lantern Kyle Rayner
Beast Boy
Steel II
Ms. Martian

Supporting Cast:
Ben Rubel

Former Members:

The Justice League

Hall of Justice

Mother Blood
Commander Drogue
Prince Travesty

Villainous Groups:
Church of Blood